The developer has not uploaded a Rituality yet...

The viewer is invited to freely penetrate the space using a mouse and a keyboard (or other provided input device), walking through the virtual swamp, finding puzzle pieces of meaning, interacting with objects.

Follow the purple Floating Guide that cycles around the prepared path. Cyclicity associated with rituals, eternal rebirth, reincarnation, symbolic transformation of the action. It is bubbling and blubbering with a special kind of speech - a real recorded sleep-talk. 

What we create is a collective dream that people fall into by clicking on the website. Internet space is a psychoactive substance for immersion in a collective ritual. This place is a limb, a memory (which you can plunge into), an event from your personal past, a space for entering other realities. Although the basis of ritualism remains intersecting in all traditions, viewers are invited to bathe in an echo of the Soviet past, absorbed by the earth, a gloominess of an already dark experience. 

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